

Nik Soggia


LhA 1.50 (27-Ott-1992) by Stefan Boberg
util/arc/ (174 KB)


DEBUG: if this flag is activated, the module will write to the debug console every command line it executes. This flag is reserved to developers: activating it may slow down the module or interfere with serial trasmissions.

HUNDRED: the LhA command doesn't allow multivolume archives divided in 100 or more segments; starting from the one-hundredth segment, LhA will only keep the extension as the file name, and strip the root (eg. "name.l98", "name.l99", ".l100", ".l101", ...). If this flag is activated, the module will try to preserve the root in segment filenames. Be very cautios with this flag, since the LhA command won't be able to find the files generated by the module. Also remember that such files may cause problems on FAT filesystems (eg. CrossDOS v6 or previous), since the extension will be truncated to the first three characters.

SUFFIX: this module usually creates archives with extension ".lha". Activating this flag the module will produce archive names ending in ".lzh", in order to remain compatible with filenames under MS-DOS. This flag only affects archive name, not compression method. To generate archives compatible with LhArc by Paolo Zibetti changing the suffix won't do: you also have to switch to the "-lh1-" compression method.


VERBOSITY:    default: detailed progress indicator
              1: low detail progress indicator
              2: no banner, medium detail progress indicator
              3: no messages

HEADER:       default: level 0 or 2, automatic choice
              1: level 0
              2: level 1
              3: level 2

COMPRESSION: default: -lh5-
              1: -lh0- (no compression)
              2: -lh1- (slow and less powerful, but compatible with LhArc 1.x)
              3: -lh4-
              4: -lh5-


This module doesn't work very well with command versions below 1.50, and doesn't work at all with version 1.11 or less.

The author of this archiver stopped its development years ago: currently he doesn't offer registration service anymore, but tollerates keyfile exchange between registered and unregistered users.

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